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Ukraine bridge facility

With the support of its investors, GF will provide bridge financing and technical support to a select group of Ukrainian companies and their employees

Business Associations

There are several business associations that provide their members with opportunities to network and share information and resources. You can see several associations below.


American Chamber of Commerce in Georgia (AmCham) was founded in 1998. AmCham's primary objective is to promote US - Georgia ties and to improve the business environment in Georgia. AmCham works with the government to help shape improvements in the business regulations, facilitate connections between Georgian and international investors, and support business and government links. Through regular meetings, the members keep in contact with senior officials in the government of Georgia, the US Embassy, and each other. At the same time, the committee work provides a vehicle for collecting opinions, conducting research, and lobbying the government on particular issues important to the members and the business community.

Banking Association of Georgia established in 2018, unites all existing commercial banks active in Georgia. The association makes a dialogue of the sector more dynamic with society, the National Bank of Georgia, the Government, international organizations, and NGOs. The Association supports the integration of the Georgian banking system into the international banking network; takes active steps in the direction of education and unification of banking standards; cooperates with local and international representations, associations, and authorities of the financial sector; and implements various projects for developing and supporting Georgian banking system.

Business Association of Georgia (BAG) is the leading organization of the business society. One of the top priorities of the Business Association of Georgia is to protect and lobby the legitimate interests of the members. BAG’s services include participation in the work of committees through submission and lobbying legislative initiatives; responding to problems and issues incoming from the members; organization and participation in local and international business events; building connections and expanding partner networks with representatives of government, non-government, education and diplomatic entities; organizing individual and group meetings for with the representatives of government, non-government and diplomatic structures; increasing awareness of the members' business activities. BAG also offers space for meetings and conferences.

European Business Association (EBA) aims to promote and harmonize European values and the best business management practices in the Georgian entrepreneurial community. The team actively participates in the process of aligning the national economy and business legislation to the EU standards. EBA works to advocate/lobby for European Businesses in Georgia and to facilitate the development of trade and investments between Georgia and Europe. Activities of EBA include organizing and participating in seminars, conferences, meetings, or lectures; preparing and submitting recommendations for legislative changes; providing consultative assistance across all sectors and spheres of the economy; and representing the members’ interests with the public authorities and other organizations.

EU-Georgia Business Council (EUGBC) was founded in 2006. The objective of EUGBC is to encourage investment and trade between the European Union and Georgia. The council assists and advises its members on all questions relating to setting up and doing business in Georgia and the EU, through building business links, solving market access difficulties, and overcoming regulatory obstacles. EUGBC also provides its members with information on investment-related regulations and can assist with liaison between the government of Georgia, EU institutions, and EU member states. EUGBC services include trade seminars, publications and exhibitions, business forums, business conferences, and high-level meetings with senior officials of the Georgian government and in the EU institutions.

French Business Council (CCIFG) is a member of the network of the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry. CCIFG promotes economic and trade relations between France and Georgia, supports French companies willing to start their activities in Georgia, works to grow links between the organizations, facilitates the relations between French and Georgian companies, prepares analysis and market studies, recruits on behalf of members, and offers space for meetings.

Georgia and Asia-Africa Chamber of Commerce (GAACC) was established in 2017 and was designed to unify and connect successful entrepreneurs and businesses from Asia and Africa. GAACC has an official representative office in Nigeria and reliable partners in many countries including China, France, India, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Qatar, Slovenia, and the UK. GAACC provides full service for company registration, financial, tax & legal advisory, assists with acquisitions or mergers, and can represent business to the state institutions and assist with getting required licenses and permits.

Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) founded in 1960, supports the development of the private sector through services and projects tailored to the needs of the business. The Chamber is particularly active on the international level, it has the most sophisticated and extensive international connections and is an integral part of the international network of Chambers of Commerce. The Chamber signed more than a hundred MoUs with various central and regional Chambers or other business unions worldwide. A wide range of GCCI services includes consultations to elaborate short-term training and retraining program, consultations on preparing an application and other procedural aspects for gaining financing, providing detailed information on the advantages of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) of Georgia, and consultations on legal issues. The Chamber also issues a certificate of origin, which attests to the origin of a commodity or goods and is empowered to confirm Force Majeure circumstances.

German Economic Association (Die Deutsche Wirtschaftsvereinigung - DWV) founded in 2007, is a membership organization made up of companies and partners that is active in bilateral German-Georgian economic relations. DWV promotes trade and economic relations between Germany and Georgia and represents the interests of the German economy on site. DWV is a service provider and actively supports German companies entering the Georgian market. DWV offers support to set up a representative office or a company in Georgia, participate in public procurement, find suitable partners, assist with the dispute resolution process, and find the right personnel. DWV also organizes delegation trips between Georgia and Germany on both sides every year.

Georgian Employers Association (GEA) was founded in 2000. The association is an independent, membership-based organization working in accordance with the requirements, standards and conventions of employers (entrepreneurs) and international labor organizations. GEA represents employers (entrepreneurs) in Georgia. Georgian Employers' Association offers consultations on various topics and issues;  works on lobbying and advocacy issues such as labor relations, occupational safety, customs and tax legislation etc.; offers seminars and training to member companies to strengthen human resources; Offers consulting services for participating in grant or co-financing projects.

Georgian Distribution Business Association (GDBA) advocates for GDBA members to create a strong, separate but equal business and legislative environment to maximize efficient distribution practices and services. The association's member companies represent global brands in Georgia as well as local manufacturing companies, which operate not only on the Georgian market but also distribute / export products outside of the country. GDBA’s work includes: sharing global experiences, preparing proposals and recommendations for legislative and executive authorities, conducting seminars and training, and implementing targeted projects, to facilitate the Georgian distribution business.

Georgian Small and Medium Enterprises Association (GSMEA) was founded in 2010 with a mission to advocate the common interests of the business community. GSMEA functions include advocacy with authorities, consulting on tax or legal issues, preparing a business plan or getting financing, facilitating partnerships through forums, conferences, and exhibitions, improving qualifications through training, seminars, and courses, and providing useful information.

Infrastructure Construction Companies Association (ICCA) was founded in 2015 by construction companies operating in the construction market. ICCA’s mission is to protect the interests of its member companies, facilitate the increase in their competitiveness, introduce modern technologies and state-of-art standards, and support the long-term development of the construction sector. ICCA’s priority areas are advocacy and lobbying; education, research, development of human resources; networking; professional support and other benefits. ICCA’s members are construction companies, manufacturers and importers of construction hardware, dealers of construction equipment, and suppliers of supervisory and designing services.

International Chamber of Commerce Georgia (ICC Georgia) was established in 2002. It is a national committee of the International Chamber of Commerce, which is the leading business organization in the world. In Georgia, ICC represents a wide array of business sectors and partner organizations. ICC Georgia connects members to a network of the world’s most influential and dynamic companies of all sizes and in all sectors. It also provides news of developments in policy, law and regulation at an early stage. ICC Georgia regularly offers skill-building opportunities and discounts on ICC publications, training and conferences around the world.

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